They're Not Just Weeds: Signs You Need To Check Your Dog For Foxtails

If your dog spends a lot of time outside, it's just a matter of time before it comes in contact with a foxtail. They may seem like an ordinary weed to you, but to a dog, they can be disastrous. Foxtails don't just get stuck in your dog's fur. They can actually burrow into the skin and travel throughout the body, including to the brain and lungs. That's why it's so important that you remove foxtails as soon as possible. [Read More]

Getting A Healthy Kitten For Your Family

If you have decided to get a kitten, make sure you choose a healthy one and take the necessary steps to make sure you keep it healthy. You can't always tell if a kitten is on the onset of getting ill, but you can significantly decrease your chances of choosing one on the verge of sickness if you know what to look for. Follow the tips below when you choose your kitten, and after you bring it home. [Read More]

3 Tips To Banish Stray Skunks From Your Yard Forever

Skunks can be a real pest, particularly if you live near a woodland area as stray skunks can often find themselves wandering into your yard. Thankfully, most rogue skunks are fairly easy to deal with, so consider the following three ways to keep skunks from showing up on your property: Stop Them in Their Tracks Skunks aren't the most athletic of animals, and their poor vertical leap and substandard climbing skills means that you can stop them gaining entry to your property by putting up a barrier. [Read More]

Three Tips For Keeping A Tiger Salamander As A Pet

If you are interested in keeping a salamander as a pet, the tiger salamander is one of the best you can choose from. Salamanders are not typically chosen among people who want an amphibian as a pet, but the tiger salamander is tame and not as frightened of humans. Here are some important care instructions to keep in mind if you want to keep a tiger salamander as a pet. [Read More]